U-CH Tintlet Grab Life by the Horns CD NAJ "Hemi"

"Hemi" lives with his family in TX.

Visit Hemi & his family at their blog. http://poodlebugs.blogspot.com/

Bones Collar at 1 week.

Little white toes!

Bones Collar  at 2 weeks.


 too early to be awake!!

Bones Collar at 3 weeks.

I think I'll take nap...

Bones Collar at 4 weeks.

 too bright out here!!

Bones Collar at 4 weeks.

 you'll pay for this..

Bones Collar at 4 weeks.

This grass is too tall...

Bones Collar at 5 weeks.

Such a pretty boy.

Bones Collar at 5 weeks.

My favorite pup.

Bones Collar at 6 weeks.

Hard to stack at this age, but so many things I like about this boy.

Bones Collar at 6 weeks.

nice tail set, short back, good neck.

Bones Collar at 7 weeks.

Looks like his Grandpa "Been" 

Bones Collar at 7 weeks.


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